Lesson 405 – Lauren Scheuer – a Good Egg

When you choose to have chickens you automatically join a brotherhood (actually, it’s more like a sisterhood) of friends where everyone seems to know your name. Chicken owners can always recognize each other from across crowded rooms, it may be the wood chips in our hair, the chicken tattoo on our wrists (don’t worry mom, I’m not there quite yet) or the calm look in our eyes when we think of reading a book in our backyard surrounded by our gentle, clucking ladies.

Lauren Scheuer author of the blog Scratch and Peck – true stories of a small flock of remarkable individuals – and other critters, is one such person.

For the life of us, we can’t figure out how we connected (obviously there was the chicken thing going on) but we did.

Lauren loves her chickens. I love our chickens. There’s the connection, ’nuff said.

Except that Lauren is also an artist who draws the most incredible pictures of her chickens and their adventures. (The story of her chicken Lil’White going to Petsmart is nothing short of inspired and check out the story of the melon rind feeding.) Her chickens have personalities, they have adventures. My kind of gal.

I’ve never met Lauren (she leaves lots of comments on this blog) but I just know that one day if we do meet, we’ll spend many house chatting about our chicks over coffee and some fresh blueberry buckle (with cream.)

Lauren has graciously let me put a piece of her art up on my blog. Just look at this picture. Doesn’t it make you want to smile? Hearts and chickens – adorable.

Scratch and Peck - Lauren Scheuer Cutest chicken picture ever.

From her website, Lauren describes her life as:

Lauren’s flock includes a special-needs hen named Lucy, a fixer-upper chicken named Pigeon, and Marky the Terrier. Lauren is a professional illustrator specializing in kids’ books, games and puzzles. She’s done a whole slew of books for American Girl, (comment: Addy and Emma! did you read that?) and her clients include Boston Museum of Science and Roger Williams Zoo. Lauren works from home where she can enjoy her critters, her teenage daughter, husband, messy house, facebook,…. When she’s not outside, she can be found inside, looking out.

A special needs chicken???!!!! A messy house????!!!! Clearly chicken owners are without doubt birds of a feather.

Pleased to have you in the flock Lauren! You’re a good egg.

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Filed under All things chickens, Backyard Chickens, Chick Literature, Chicken art, Chicken fun, Good Egg Interviews, Inspiration, Literary-chicks, Reader's stories

One response to “Lesson 405 – Lauren Scheuer – a Good Egg

  1. Wendy — Thank you for the flattering post! You are too sweet. And I’m with ya, every word… My last thought in the evening as my eyes begin to close: my girls, all puffed up on their roost, safe in the big terrible darkness, patiently awaiting another rollicking day.

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