Tag Archives: inspiration

Lesson 1277 – Story Time

It’s story telling time.

This afternoon I’ve been invited to hold a chicken workshop for a senior adult education program. Usually when I hold my chicken workshops they come in two parts.

Part 1 – from chick to coop

Part 2 – from coop to cull

I’m not sure that this crew is really interested in raising chickens as much as they are interested in hearing about chickens.

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Filed under All things chickens, Chicks, Mama Hen, members of the flock, New Hampshire, Personal

Lesson 1276 – Hello friend

There has *never* been a morning at the coop when the entire flock hasn’t been overjoyed to see the beginning of a new day. All I have to do is open the door, say hello, and they explode from inside, ready to see what adventures the day will bring.


Hello friend sun, glad to see you again.

It’s such a great way to live your life. To wake up with daily excitement at finding out what surprises hide around each corner. Grubs? Cracked corn? A new addition to the flock? Company with someone goes out to read in the backyard?

So many possibilities. Continue reading

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Filed under All things chickens, chicken care, Chicks, Mama Hen, members of the flock, New Hampshire, Personal

Lesson 1176 – Life from hardship

We’ve had snow and now we don’t – for the most part. (But there was a lot of snow when I drove to Vermont yesterday so it’s not far away.)


Vermont yesterday

Soon after we had our falcon attack this past fall, I rolled our used Halloween pumpkin under a bush the juvies had started to huddle beneath each day as a way to hide from the neighborhood predator. I figured, under the bush, they could peck at it in leisure and safety.

That falcon really changed the behavior of our flock, it’s rare to see any member randomly roaming the yard anymore, they all either hover near an overhang or hide under a bush and won’t dare come out unless a human caretaker is present.

Which means that the pumpkin, which was whole (we just stuck arms and legs into it) has seen much action. This is all that currently remains of our Halloween pumpkin:


Heavy snow is in the forecast for this weekend. The flock doesn’t like being out on ice and so days (upon days) of being cooped up loom in the immediate future. With the snows, the remains of the pumpkin will become mush, eventually returning its nutrients to the ground.

Who knows, perhaps after the thaw a seed will take root – the start of a new pumpkin – reminding us all that life can spring from hardship – even when evils like falcons abound.


Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com

Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

Like what you read here? Consider subscribing to this blog so that you’ll never miss a post. And feel free to share with those who may need a little chicken love.


Filed under Mama Hen, Personal, Teaching kids, The Family

Lesson 1014 – Quotable Chicks

Friday’s Quotes for the Chicks


It is the destiny of mint to be crushed.

Waverly Lewis Root


Spent the day at the State Capital in Concord attending Legislative Leadership Training. When I got home, I took a walk around our yard and while I didn’t find *any* flowers – not even a bud – I did find the perennial mint that grows in the shaded corner of our yard had returned. Continue reading


Filed under Chick Literature, Chicks, Holidays, Inspiration, Life Lessons, Personal, Quotable Chicks, The Family

Lesson 1009 – Quotable Chicks

Friday’s Quotes for the Chicks

IMG_20140419_121514241_HDRHappy Easter.

A friend and I spent the day at the outlets in Kittery Maine yesterday (which is why this is late.) It’s an annual trip we take that started long ago with another friend who has since died and that we continue each  year in her honor. (I still miss Jackie with a pain that has dulled but has never gone away.)

I don’t see my friend often (even though we live close) but we’ve got kids the same ages and have known each other for years. We’re both busy, busy people. Often we make plans to get together, but then a child gets sick, an unexpected championship trip must be attended, or life just gets in the way. Even still, we have the kind of friendship where we simply pick up where we left off. You know, that really good friend, kind of friendship. Continue reading

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Filed under Chick Literature, Chicks, Holidays, Inspiration, Life Lessons, Personal, Quotable Chicks, The Family

Lesson 1004 – Quotable Chicks

Friday’s Quotes for the Chicks


I love you and goodbye.

She didn’t make it and although we are saddened by this, what would have resulted in my two daughters melting into puddles of inconsolable tears has now caused a momentary pause, a reflection on the fleetingness of life and the heavy heart of death.

This is the beauty of inviting others into your life. You care for them and they bring you pleasure.

Sometimes they get sick and die.

But more often they don’t and you get to create memories together. Continue reading


Filed under Chick Literature, Chicks, Holidays, Inspiration, Life Lessons, Personal, Quotable Chicks, The Family

Lesson 999 – Quotable Chicks

Friday’s Quotes for the Chicks

I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.

Eleanor Roosevelt

It’s been a busy week.

Got some chick updates:


Today is our oldest daughter’s 16th birthday. Sweet 16 is always a big day for any young woman (and her mama hen) and it’s no different for our Addy. She’s currently in Maine attending a FIRST robotics competition – no worries Addy, have a happy day, there will be cake when you get home.

trevor oath

And we got news from another member of our flock. My son, Trevor, who is at Norwich University, Vermont, received an additional ROTC scholarship which meant he had to take the U.S. Army Oath of Enlistment a little sooner than we had anticipated. He did and my boy is in the army now. God Speed Trev, always remember that you’ve got an entire flock of support behind you. Continue reading


Filed under Chick Literature, Chicks, Holidays, Inspiration, Life Lessons, Personal, Quotable Chicks, The Family

Lesson 994 – Quotable Chicks

Friday’s Quotes for the Chicks

IMG_20140323_111825158I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.”

Robert Brault

Last weekend on the Maple Syrup Trail, we came across this dog named Darcy.

Darcy likes to play with a Frisbee and interact with people, but every now and then she would go over to the hen house door and just sit in front of it until someone opened the door.

Thinking that perhaps she wanted something inside, I cracked the door, at which point Darcy entered, continued to the back of the room, and then just stopped and stared at the chickens on the other side of the fencing.

I talked to the owner about Darcy’s behavior not because I thought it was “bad” (hey, I have a dog that owns me – “nuff said) but because I was trying to figure out what was going on.

Darcy, he told me, is a little touched and loves to watch the chickens. In the back corner of the hen house are the nesting boxes and Darcy can see through the fencing to the chickens as they lay their eggs. She stays at attention until the chickens are finished and only then will leave the hen house.

A canine egg protector! I don’t know whether to feel concern for this dog or to put an immediate order in for one just like her.

Good girl, Darcy.

 Be safe, stay warm, and see you all next week.

Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com

Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

Like what you read here? Consider subscribing to this blog so that you’ll never miss a post. And feel free to share with those who may need a little chicken love.


Filed under Chick Literature, Chicks, Holidays, Inspiration, Life Lessons, Personal, Quotable Chicks, The Family

Lesson 989 – Quotable Chicks

Friday’s Quotes for the Chicks


“The bird a nest – the spider a web – man friendship”

William Blake

Last night Marc ran into a friend of mine at the grocery store. She had been keeping a chicken in her car to give to me for ages.  We’re both local journalists so it’s not that unusual for us to see each other at town events.

But then she would forget the chicken or I would leave before she had a chance to give it to me. We were ships passing in the coop.

Last night I got the chicken. Continue reading


Filed under Chick Literature, Chicks, Holidays, Inspiration, Life Lessons, Personal, Quotable Chicks, The Family

Lesson 984 – Quotable Chicks

Friday’s Quotes for the Chicks

IMG_20140302_151453799Sweater, n.: a garment worn by a child when its mother is feeling chilly.

Ambrose Bierce

We lucked out, yesterday’s storm only dropped a few inches of snow (although the bitter colds temps have returned – man it was cold walking out to the car after the kids’ swim team banquet last night.)

Our next storm is scheduled to arrive this Sunday/Monday.

One side effect of this never-ending winter has been an increase in warm clothing. Some people, when they get overwhelmed by circumstances, tend to eat, oh, but not me – I tend to buy warm, comfortable clothing.

But I’m also thrifty and could never justify paying the money it would take to buy all this stuff new. So instead, every time (and there have been many opportunities this past winter) *another* storm is predicted, I stop off at our local Goodwill and I buy yet another scarf, or oversized sweater, or even wool blanket as a type of insurance against the winter blast.

I have gotten wool and polar fleece scarves, sweatshirts, sweaters, a hat, and blankets which have somehow moved from the TV room up into bedrooms as the cold and snow continue. I find my kids taking the sweaters from my office preferring the garment that mom has already tested and guaranteed to be good at keeping warm. I’ve even seen my daughters wear some of the sweaters to school (“it’s cold walking to the bus stop, mom!” ) they and I appreciating not only the warmth but the length as they sufficiently cover legging butts.

And of course, after having 2 major car accidents this winter, you can bet that several of these warm clothing pieces live in the trunks of our cars “just in case.”

With all the storms we’ve had I can truthfully say that I probably never need to buy another  sweater in my life and I would still make it through any future rough winters nature wanted to hand out – quite comfortably.

But that’s not going to stop me.

Just don’t get in my way as I go to the Goodwill this weekend before the next coming storm.

 Be safe, stay warm, and see you all next week.

Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com

Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

Like what you read here? Consider subscribing to this blog so that you’ll never miss a post. And feel free to share with those who may need a little chicken love.

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Filed under Chick Literature, Chicks, Holidays, Inspiration, Life Lessons, Personal, Quotable Chicks, The Family