Lesson 1176 – Life from hardship

We’ve had snow and now we don’t – for the most part. (But there was a lot of snow when I drove to Vermont yesterday so it’s not far away.)


Vermont yesterday

Soon after we had our falcon attack this past fall, I rolled our used Halloween pumpkin under a bush the juvies had started to huddle beneath each day as a way to hide from the neighborhood predator. I figured, under the bush, they could peck at it in leisure and safety.

That falcon really changed the behavior of our flock, it’s rare to see any member randomly roaming the yard anymore, they all either hover near an overhang or hide under a bush and won’t dare come out unless a human caretaker is present.

Which means that the pumpkin, which was whole (we just stuck arms and legs into it) has seen much action. This is all that currently remains of our Halloween pumpkin:


Heavy snow is in the forecast for this weekend. The flock doesn’t like being out on ice and so days (upon days) of being cooped up loom in the immediate future. With the snows, the remains of the pumpkin will become mush, eventually returning its nutrients to the ground.

Who knows, perhaps after the thaw a seed will take root – the start of a new pumpkin – reminding us all that life can spring from hardship – even when evils like falcons abound.


Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com

Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

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Filed under Mama Hen, Personal, Teaching kids, The Family

3 responses to “Lesson 1176 – Life from hardship

  1. Wishing you, your family, and all the Flock a very happy holiday season, Wendy!

  2. Marcia Kosnik

    Dear Wendy,

    Do you close them up in the coop when the weather gets really bad, or just leave the pop door open so they can go in when they feel the need? Do chickens know enough to go inside when necessary or should I make them stay in on really bad days? This is my first winter with chickens. Mine only go inside to lay an egg, but it hasn’t gotten below 15 degrees yet.

    Thank you, Marcia

    • Wendy Thomas

      I close up the coop. They don’t want to go outside and if I leave the door open we run the risk of not being able to close it due to snow and ice buildup.

      Nope, once the snow hits the girls stay put in the coop (which is why I occasionally throw in treats like suet and seed blocks.) They are not worse for the wear and it’s a great holiday for all when the coop doors open again in the spring.

      On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 8:36 AM, Lessons Learned from the Flock wrote: > >

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