Lesson 394 – Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and chickens

This weekend was Labor Day weekend and you might as well have fired the starter’s gun for the GOP Presidential primary. Here in New Hampshire, we take our politics very seriously and we listen to all from each party to see where they stand on their issues. (although, let’s be real, with some of these guys declared only a few weeks ago, they don’t, for the most part have any issues yet – yeah, yeah, except jobs, jobs, jobs.)

First we were able to see Rick Perry – Governor from Texas on Saturday. After his talk I went up to him, told him that I blog about chickens in NH and that I’d love to get one of the wooden eggs he gave out at a recent breakfast rally. What? It would have been the perfect thing to put in our henhouse.

Rick Perry in NH

I promise, I’ll put the story up on my blog, I told him.

He referred me to a campaign manager who took my card and said he’d be in touch with me about an egg. Only time will tell if Perry’s campaign can deliver the goods and we find out if he’s a good egg or not.

Then we went to the Tea Party Express Tour event in Concord on Sunday. My what a show they put on! There was singing and dancing, selling of shirts and CDs, and oh, yeah, a guy named Mitt Romney was there. He talked for a bit and then left (as did the majority of the crowd). Once he left two others Presidential hopefuls, Buddy Roemer and Christopher V. Hill (don’t worry I didn’t know who he was either) gave a short talk to those who remained (of which we took up 6 seats)

Mitt Romney in NH

On Sunday, we saw the Tea Party Express Tour again! (boy, they’re a lively bunch) but this time they had Sarah Palin (as well as good ‘ol Buddy and Christopher).

Here’s the thing. As soon as we got to the event our car died. Marc went with the kids to get pictures and so the kids could hear the candidates (Sarah Palin – who are we kidding). I stayed with the car on the street waiting for the AAA guy to give us a tow. This is what Marc and the kids got to see:

Sarah Palin in NH

This was my view of Sarah Palin.

That little speck of red on the left is Sarah.

If one is far away from Sarah when she is being amplified while talking, one doesn’t get to hear too much other than a bit of loud squawking.

Making her sound very much like one of our hens right before they lay an egg.


Filed under All things chickens, All things local, Backyard Chickens, In the News, Life Lessons, Media, New Hampshire, Personal, Politics in New Hampshire, The Family

6 responses to “Lesson 394 – Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and chickens

  1. Karen W

    LOL…loved it!

  2. We’ll see if Rick Perry’s campaign “catches fire,” so to speak. I know he is supposed to have a farming background, but I doubt he knows which end of a chicken is the business end, so to spea.

  3. Michelle

    Here in my neck of Texas, Gov. Perry is “all hair and no cattle”. We are pretty glad he was not able to succeed from the US or we wouldn’t be able to get those federal funds for this fire disaster we have here.
    Sarah looks pretty mad in the picture you have posted. Don’t blame you for wanting to wait in the car. Wonder when the beauty pageant judging jobs will open for her?
    Love your site!!

  4. Wendy Thomas


    Hi there, “all hair and no cattle” that’s a new phrase to me but I like it.

    I’m on the East Coast where people are still struggling to recover from Irene. I have a sister in Texas and so I’m hearing about those out of control wildfires.

    Seems like we’ve got it coming and going.

    Hope you and yours are safe.


  5. Pingback: Lesson 395 – Sarah Palin – a fighting cock? « Lessons Learned from the Flock

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