But you have hair

Disclaimer – this is my own personal journey. I am in no way advocating or suggesting that people follow the path I am taking, instead reach into your heart and discover the directions for your way forward. 

But how can you have cancer if you never lost your hair? 

Believe it or not, I get that a lot. After all, we were raised on after-school movies where Mary’s mother goes through cancer, becomes bald and frail, but thanks to Mary’s lemonade stand Mom gets better and all is well. 

It’s either that or the Disney movies where the mom dies in the first few minutes and Mary goes on to discover her own personal power. 

Either way, we have pre-formed ideas of what cancer should look like. 

And my cancer does not fit into any of that ideal. 

When I was first diagnosed, I assumed that chemo was going to be involved. While I didn’t have any experience with breast cancer, I had some friends who had and I KNEW that chemo was a standard part of the treatment. 

But then I started reading. And then I read some more. 

And then even more. 

And I started doubting that the best way to treat my cancer was to simply check boxes off of a standard of treatment cancer list. 

My cancer is a grade 1 (slow growing), ultimately the tumor was relatively small, and there was no evidence of lymph node involvement. 

I started coming up with my own plan. 

I opted for a bi-lateral mastectomy (there was lots of pushback on that, but I was adament. My breasts were trying to kill me, I wanted them both off.) 

I also did not want any lymph nodes removed during surgery. 


My biggest fear was lymphodema. Take my breasts and ovaries away, you can even take my legs, but I need my hands to write. I wasn’t willing to take any unnecessary chances. 

I met with an oncologist who wanted me to do chemo prior to surgery. I decided against it. I didn’t think it made sense (again for me.) 

I met with a radiologist who wanted me to have 6 weeks of daily radiation post-surgery – followed by a few BURSTS. The general consensus is that if you have a mastectomy you do not need radiation. Think of having it as insurance, I was told. I decided against it.

As it turned out, post surgery, the tumor was much smaller than anyone had thought and I had clean margins – radiation was taken off the table. 

After surgery I went back to the oncologist. She had ordered an Oncotype test and I was there for the results. This test scores your cancer on a scale of 1 – 100. Anything above 25 means that chemo would most likely be more helpful than harmful. Anything under 25 means that chemo would most likely be more harmful than helpful. 

My score was 14. 

So she couldn’t advise chemo (although she did talk about it as “insurance” – a word that I’d discovered is used often in cancer treatment.) Instead she started talking about estrogen blockers. But because I have had dozens of bone breaks due to a car accident when I was younger, I had concerns about bone pain – a common side effect from this medication. 

I had also had surgery that removed my ovaries and while estrogen is created by other organs, I had definitely reduced my hormone load with that surgery. 

Not a problem, she said, we’ll put you on the other version. The other one being the one that is used in pre-menopausal women (which I am not.) It felt like it was more important for her to check that medical box off the list than it was for me to have medication that truly fit my needs. I declined.

“Well then there’s nothing I can do for you.” I agreed and I have never gone back. I have breast cancer, I do not have an oncologist and I’m absolutely fine with that. 

So here I sit with a history of cancer that caused me to amputate several parts of my body. I get blood work done on a semi-regular basis to check for tumor markers and I pay attention to my body for any strange symptoms. I do not do scans. 

I understand that I am taking a HUGE chance. Cancer does not care what you think and it certainly does not play fair. 

This is what feels right for *me*. 

Things might change in the future, but for now, I’m okay with my decision to treat my cancer with surgery. 

This doesn’t mean I don’t take “self-protective” actions. I watch what I eat, I drink lots of water, get exercise (walking) and take supplements (one is an estrogen reducer, DIM, that has no side effects and has proven to help keep breast cancers under control.) 

Have I made the right decision? Who knows, I may be one of the luckiest people on the planet earth, or I may be one of the dumbest. 

But for now and for the foreseeable future, I remain with hair and hands that continue to type. 

And I can live with that.


Filed under cancer

4 responses to “But you have hair

  1. Elaine Mcmanness


    God bless you for your strength and determination to do as YOU think best for YOUR body. Most doctors don’t understand that STRONG women know our bodies and what we can and will allow to be done to it. I lost my oldest sister to breast cancer 10 years ago this coming December. She, too, didn’t want anymore mammograms, as she felt they were causing more problems for her disease, but one rather arrogant female oncologist at one of the best hospitals in Texas refused to listen to her and demanded she have another. My sister gave in and during the procedure, the skin over her sternum was damaged – actually torn by the compression of her large breast that made her scream in pain. When the doctor came back in to see her and my sister showed her what had happened, she said to the doctor, “I hope you are satisfied, as your insistence on this mammogram just killed me. “ She was correct but before she died, she went through 3 years of watching the cancer come out of her breast to the surface of her skin – it first came out through the tear that the mammogram machine had done to her, which Jeanette has predicted would happen. Within the 3 years, the cancer literally covered her breasts with the most disgusting mess I’ve ever seen – it was as if someone had taken a meat grinder to both breast that there was no way you could tell what they were anymore. She also had refused to take certain meds as she also wanted to make sure she did not loose her hair, so while it did get thinner, she did not lose it all. After her long and horrible fight for 10 years, she died only 6 months after I lost my husband to heart disease.

    So I applaud you for standing up for YOUR right to be treated as you feel is best for your body. My sister would totally agree with you maintaining control over how you want your body to be treated. Hopefully, one day doctors will understand they need to listen to women as we tend to understand our bodies more than men do, so they have to stop treating us as they treat men, which I think is one reason the medical profession is still so slow in coming up with new ways to treat breast cancer. Someone once said that if they had ever used compression on a man’s testicals to look for cancer, like they do to women’s breast, they would have found a new way of testing Women for breast cancer long ago.

    Blessings and renewed health to you, Wendy,


    • Wendy Thomas


      Thank you for your comment and I’m so very sorry to hear about your sister. You are doing what I hoped would happen as a result of my story – and that is to keep your eyes open and question what others say you should do. If it feels right for you, then by all means, go ahead and do that procedure. However, if it feels wrong or in my case “just not right” then keep asking questions until you can make a decision. Sometimes it will be to go ahead with what is suggested, but sometimes it will be to go a different route. Cancer healthcare is not a one-size fits all approach. Women are terrified when we get the diagnosis, but we must always remember, like you said, that we have to stand up for our right to be treated as we feel is best for our bodies.

      Thank you again for sharing,


  2. Kristin Rounds

    Oh, Wendy, what a journey. You are one brave lady, and truly an inspiration. ~ Kristin

  3. Carol Levine

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughtful journey.

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