Lesson 596 – Those darn flies – part 2

This is a continuation of yesterday’s discussion on coop fly control. The reason I said that we might have a fly problem is that although we have some flies, it’s difficult to know where they are originating from. Our property faces woods and runs along a river, with the mild winter last year and the many trees that came down during the Halloween snowstorm, there is a lot of decay out there right now (let’s not even add in our neighbor’s dogs, cats, flowers, and that dead thing out by the road.) We’ve never had flies before so it all leaves us wondering, which came first? The chicken or the fly?

Anyway, in order to keep neighborhood peace, Marc went out and got a few chambers of doom.

This first one is called EZ Trap and the product description is:

Revolutionary design provides 3 times the trapping surface of leading sticky fly traps and is insecticide-free and odor-free. Ideal for stables, kennels, gardens, homes, patios, porches or anywhere flies and other flying insects are a problem. The special long-lasting adhesive is rainproof, so they can be used indoors or out. Easy to use, can be placed on any level surface or suspended.

Basically it’s a riff on the old sticky tape fly catchers found in every horse barn around (not exactly revolutionary in my book), except that now they’ve put the tape on a pretty bright yellow Escher-like decoration tasteful enough to be displayed at a get-together in anyone’s back yard. The trap is insecticide and odor free, and as an added bonus is rainproof! It all sounds really good right?

Except that based on our experience you would be better off standing on the top of a mountain (Pack Monadnock anyone?) and throwing your money into the wind. After a few days on our back porch, here is a picture of all that was caught. Not only are there a (very) few flies (17 – yes I counted them) but there are also a few mosquitos, a spider, and one mean looking wasp (and because of an insect sting allergy, we’re actually very grateful for that one.)

Chamber of doom Number 1

Not exactly a large haul and certainly not big enough to make any kind of a dent in the fly population. At around $4.50 each (they come in packs of two for about 8 dollars total) these tend to be on the expensive side (and anyway, do you really want people to see all those dead and near-dead bugs while at a get-together in your backyard?)

Bottom line? Look elsewhere if you want something to help you get rid of flies. Although this one sounds good, and certainly looks (pre-dead bug anyway) pretty flashy, it’s basically a dud. If you have flies, you’re going to need something that is a bit more of a work horse.

Marc got another trap while he was at TSC and I’ll be giving a review of that one next week. We will conquer these flies.


Filed under All things chickens, Backyard Chickens, chicken care, Coop care

3 responses to “Lesson 596 – Those darn flies – part 2

  1. Pingback: Lesson 597 – Those darn flies – Part 3 « Lessons Learned from the Flock

  2. A few years back, Cindi Telisak over at Jacob’s reward farm used similar manufactured fly traps alongside Fly Predator Wasps. The wasps are small like flying ants and do not harm or pester humans or animals, they simply lay their own eggs in the fly larvae which prevents the flies from maturing. They are helper wasps. Cindi blogged about her experience and how she decided on placement of the wasps, here (http://bit.ly/NNLDsW). Apparently the Wasp larvae are tasty grubs for chickens so you’ll need tplace them out of reach of the hens but near to the fly laying sites. Good luck! Shawndel, thinkfeelgrow.wordpress.com

  3. Lastly, the wasps won’t interfere with other flying insects who unwittingly get caught in the trap as they did with the yellow one in your post. over and out! 🙂 Shawndel, thinkfeegrow.wordpress.com

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